ISSN :2458-939X
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Pre- İslamic Arabia’s İntegration to İnternational Trade Routes and Its Consequences
Since historical eras, we see that the most important issue for humanity is to ensure the continuity of their lives. Humanity has developed itself in each new era and has taken some measures to make its life easier. Their hunting-gathering lives gained another dimension with the discovery of agriculture at the edge of water sources. Mesopotamia, which has fertile agricultural lands, is a great turning point in the oldest periods of history. Increasing agricultural activities in the region led to an increase in settlement in Mesopotamia. The barter method will be replaced by new economic terms in the future. The development of trade has maintained its importance by creating a new livelihood for humanity. The trade routes, which expanded by including Mesopotamia, are also important not only for the exchange of goods, but also because they bring along new religious-cultural interaction. With the development of trade routes, there has been a significant change in the welfare level of many countries. Because only in the period when agriculture was important, civilizations established in places with fertile lands and water channels could have power. In areas unsuitable for agriculture, livelihood was a problem and the states established were weak. Such was the case in Arabia. There was very little arable land in the barren desert land. Water resources were not sufficient for agricultural activities. In such an environment, there was no strong state structure. The situation in Arabia Kusay b. Kilab It differed with the development of commercial activities during the Kusay b. Kilab period. Thanks to trade, the level of prosperity in the country improved. In addition, Arabia gained the advantage of being on the routes to important trade centers. Kusay b. Kilab the commercial activities that started with Kusay b. Kilab gradually grew and it came to a position to make commercial agreements with the surrounding countries. Kusay b. Kilab the tribal elders who followed Kusay b. Kilab continued to give importance to trade. The contribution of the commercial environment that formed until the Islamic period to people's lives can be easily seen from the sources. In our study, the changes brought about by trade in the Arab lands and how the trade routes have changed the current position of the countries are examined.

Trade, Arabia, Kusay b. Kilab, Pre-Islamic Trade

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