ISSN :2458-939X
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Classification of Doctoral Theses Prepared in the Field of Islamic Law in France
France's meeting with Islam coincides with the beginning of the 8th century. Its interaction with Islam and Muslims has continued throughout history, and many studies have been conducted on Islam at the academic level. Today, studies on the religion of Islam and Muslims continue in France. In this article, it has been tried to determine the doctoral theses made in the field of Islamic Law in various universities in France between 1985 and 2011. On the official thesis archive site of the country, 280 doctoral theses related to the subject have been identified and these theses include legal history, fiqh procedure, worship, family law, inheritance law, property law, law of obligations, commercial law, medical law, financial law, constitutional law, It has been classified under the headings of judicial law, criminal law and international (international) law.

France, Islamic Law, Muslim Law, Doctoral Theses

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