ISSN :2458-939X
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Social Indicators in the Novel of Yûsuf al-Qa'id's Yaḥdus fî Mıṣr al-An
The 1960s were a period when socialism was effective in the Arab world as in many other places. It is possible to see the effects of this trend in the works of Arab writers who grew up in those years. The Egyptian writer Yûsuf el-?a‘îd, whose work was examined in this article, was highly influenced by this popular trend of the 1960s when he was young, and he dealt with social issues in almost all of his works.Because of this feature, he has been called the "author of social problems" in literary platforms. The novel Ya?dus fî Mı?r el-Ân presents a 9-day section from June 1974 in Egypt. Y ssuf al-?a‘îd reflected the sequence of events from Rechard Nixon, president of the United States of America at the time, to the poor Debish, who lived and died in a town in Egypt, but had no evidence to prove his existence on earth, with a unique style and fiction. The work, which has been evaluated as a political novel by some critics, includes the characteristics of social realist, historical and dark humor genres considering the diversity of its content. In this article, first brief information about the author and his works is given, and then the novel of Ya?dus fî Mı?r el-eln is analyzed in terms of form and content.

Arabic Language and Literature, Arabic Literature, Yûsuf el-?a‘îd, Roman, Ya?dus fî Mı?r el-Ân.

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