ISSN :2458-939X
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Abu l-Fath Utman Ibn Jinni: His Life and Works
In this article, the life and books of Ibn Jinnî are examined and it is tried to give information about them. The information in the study has been revealed by examining the classical period bibliographic works and recent studies. In addition, references were made to Ibn Jinni's works from time to time. When some inaccuracies in the studies were detected, they were corrected with various arguments. It was seen in the study that Ibn Jinni wrote many works and some of them did not reach today. In addition, it was understood that the author took lessons from important teachers of the his period like Abu Ali al-Farisi and trained many students who gave works in Arabic. Also, it was determined that Ibn Cinnî was the source and pioneer of the works that came after him

Ibn Jinni, Arabic Language, Syntax, Morphology

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